Meditation For Addiction Recovery: Types & How To Start

Sober living
Mindful meditation is one coping skill people can use to support long-term addiction recovery. Practicing mindfulness can help people to manage cravings, reduce stress, and improve their mood. It is a valuable tool people can use in their daily lives to reduce the risk of relapse. How Does Meditation Help in Alcohol & Drug Addiction? Meditation dives into your brain’s mechanisms, allows you to open up, and teaches you how to be more kind with yourself. Meditation and rehabilitation go hand-in-hand as meditation is a standard modality that encourages a more mindful treatment approach without judgment. Meditation gives you the ability to line yourself together by focusing on your body sensations, your spirit, and how you breathe. There is a common misconception that meditation is only for mental health…
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10 Benefits of Peer Support in Addiction Recovery All Points North

Sober living
Bassuk et al65 conducted a systematic review of the evidence on the effectiveness of peer support services for people in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction, which resulted in nine studies meeting the criteria for inclusion in the review. Despite methodological limitations found in the studies, the body of evidence suggested beneficial effects on participants. In another systematic review, Reif et al66 evaluated peer support services for individuals with substance use disorders resulting in ten studies. The studies demonstrated increased treatment retention, improved relationships with treatment providers and social supports, increased satisfaction, and reduced relapse rates. Beyond substance use, peer support groups offer unique advantages to engaging our historically difficult-to-engage populations. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first article to drug addiction date to take such an approach reviewing…
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